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The Concepts of Psychiatry: A Pluralistic Approach to the Mind and Mental Illness
作者:納瑟•根米(S. Nassir Ghaemi)
書系:Master 038
定價:600 元
頁數:472 頁
出版日期:2011 年 05 月 13 日
特別推薦:陳登義、李世易、劉時寧、范家彰 聯合修訂,胡海國、陳正宗、張凱理、楊添圍 共同推薦
索引勘誤 (H~O)

●Hairi Yazdi, Mehdi, [127-31]. See also Islamic philosophy 海利•亞斯迪。也見 伊斯蘭哲學 頁203-08
●Hallucinations, [137, 204-5] 幻覺 頁216, 299-300
●Havens, Leston 海文斯
  and counterprojection, [286-87] -與反投射 頁396-97
  and definitions of health and disease, [138-40] -與健康和疾病的定義 頁218-20
  and schools of psychiatry, [12-14] -與精神醫學各學派 頁60-63
  and therapeutic alliance, [224-25] -與治療聯盟關係 頁322-24
  and values in psychotherapy, [114]. See also Pluralism -與心理治療裡的價值觀。也見 多元論 頁187
●Health, definitions of, [135-40, 241-45] 健康的定義 頁213-20, 343-48
●Healy, David 黑利
  and clinical trials, [253] -與臨床試驗 頁358
  and dysthymia, concept of, [159] -與情緒低落的概念 頁245
  and the pharmaceutical industry, [261] -與藥廠產業 頁366-67
●Hegel, G. W. F, [35-37] See also Hundert, Edward 黑格爾。也見 韓德特 頁87-89
●Heidegger, Martin, relevance to psychiatry, [270-74]. See also Binswanger, Ludwig 海德格和精神醫學的關聯。 也見 賓斯旺格 頁377-82
●Hellenistic philosophy, and psychiatry, [116-20]. See also Ethical theories 古希臘哲學與精神醫學。也見 倫理理論 頁189-94
●Hippocratic school of medicine, [148-49]希波克拉底的醫學學派 頁231
●Holmes, Oliver Wendell 霍姆斯
  and need for empirical methods, [254-56] -與對經驗證據的方法之需求 頁358-60
  and risks of medication, [243] -與藥物的風險 頁345-46
●Hume, David, and is-ought dilemma in ethics, [107-8]. See also Scientific method 休謨與倫理學中實然-應然的兩難。也見 科學方法 頁179-80
●Hundert, Edward 韓德特
  and epistemology of psychiatry, [34-39] -與精神醫學的知識論 頁87-93
  and integrationism, [17-18, 296] -與整合論 頁66-68, 408
●Husserl, Edmund, [270] 胡賽爾 頁377

●Ideal types, [178-80]. See also Nosology; Weber, Max 理型。也見 疾病分類學;韋伯 頁269-72
●Illness, mental 心智疾病
  biological basis of, [200-202] 其生物學基礎 頁295-97
  definitions of, [135-47, 241-45] -的定義 頁213-29, 343-48
  genetic and environmental etiology of, [216-18] 基因和環境的病因 頁313-16
  stress-diathesis model of, [202] -的壓力-素質模式 頁296
●Illusion, [234-36] 錯覺 頁335-38
●Induction. See Scientific method 歸納。見 科學方法
●Insanity, concept of [148, 209] 精神錯亂的概念 頁230, 305
●Insight, [226-39] 洞識(力) 頁325-41
  and anosognosia, [232-33] -與疾病失認症 頁333-34
  and defense mechanisms, [230-31] -與防衛機制 頁328-31
  and denial, [228-30] -與拒認 頁327-31
  and Daniel Dennett, [233-34] -與丹尼特 頁334
  and depression, [237] -與憂鬱症 頁338-39
  and illusion, [234-36] -與錯覺 頁335-38
  and psychosis, [231-32] 與精神病 頁331-33
●Integrationism, [16-22, 291-98] 整合論 頁66-73, 401-10
  basic model of, [22] -的基礎模式 頁73
  and connection of brain and environment, [295-98] -與腦和環境的連結 頁406-09
  and Hundert, [17-18, 34-39] -與韓德特 頁66-68
  and Kandel, [16-21] -與坎代爾 頁66-72
  and pluralism, relation to, [292-93, 298] -與多元論的關聯 頁403, 409-10
  principles of, [293-95]. See also Hundert, Edward; Kandel, Eric -的原理。也見 韓德特;坎代爾 頁403-06
●Islamic philosophy 伊斯蘭哲學
  and Imam Ali, [121-22] -與阿里 頁194-95
  and empiricist tradition, [126-27] -與經驗證據學家的傳統 頁201-03
  and Irfan, [131] -與伊爾凡 頁208
  and Islamic existentialism, [130-31] -與伊斯蘭存在主義 頁207-08
  and mystical experience, [129-30] -與神祕經驗 頁205-06
  and the parable of the elephant, [122-23] -與大象的寓言 頁197-98
  and psychiatry, [120-31] -與精神醫學 頁193-208
  and Rumi, [122-24] -與魯米 頁196-99
  and Mulla Sadra, [130-31] -與沙德拉 頁207-08
  and Mohammad Shafri, [124-25] -與謝非 頁199-200
  and Shitte, illuminationism, [127-31] -與須提,精神啟示論 頁203-08
  and Sufism, [121-25] -與蘇菲主義 頁194-201
  and Mehdi Hairi Yazdi, [127-31] -與梅迪•海利•亞茲迪 頁203-08

●Jablensky, Assen, [170-71] 賈伯連斯基 頁259-61
●Jackson, John Hughlings, [223] 約翰•修林斯•傑克森 頁322
●James, William, [215, 235] 威廉•詹姆斯 頁313, 336
  definition of philosophy by, xix 其對哲學的定義
  opposition to positivism of, [41-43] 其對邏輯實證論的反對 頁95-99
  and religion, [125, 129-30]. See also Scientific method -與宗教。也見科學方法 頁201, 205-06
●Jaspers, Karl 雅斯培
  biographical sketch of, [55] 其自傳性素描 頁113
  delusions, concept of, [204, 207] 其對妄想的概念 頁299-300, 302-03
  and existential school of psychiatry, [270] -與精神醫學的存在學派 頁377
  and Heidegger, [83] -與海德格 頁149
  insight, concept of, [226, 231] -對洞識(力)的概念 頁325, 331
  on Kraepelin, [151] -論克雷普林 頁233-35
  philosophy of, [33-34] -的哲學 頁85-86
  and pluralism of, [39-40, 78-79] -與其多元論 頁92-94, 143-44
  proposed psychiatric nosology of, and DSM-III, [70-72] -所提出的精神疾病分類學與《精神疾病的診斷與統計手冊》第三版 頁132-36
  scientific method of, [87-88, 92-93] -的科學方法 頁153-55, 160-61
  and transcendent nature of mankind, [299] -與人類的超越本性 頁411
  and Weber, [83-85]. See also General Psychopathology; Pluralism; Scientific method -與韋伯。也見 《精神病理學綜論》;多元論;科學方法 頁148-53
●Jung, C. G. [199] 容格 頁293

●Kandel, Eric 坎代爾
  and integrationism, [18-22, 292-98] -與整合論 頁68-73, 402-10
  and Nobel prize, [18]. See also Integrationism -與諾貝爾獎。也見 整合論 頁68-69
●Kant, Immanuel 康德
  ethics of, in relation to psychiatry, [110-11] 其倫理學和精神醫學的關聯 頁182-84
  Hegel's response to, [36] 黑格爾的回應 頁88
  and Hundert, [35-36]. See also Ethical theories -與韓德特。也見 倫理學理論 頁87
●Kaplan and Sadock’s Textbook of Psychiatry, and overestimation of DSM, [174] 卡普蘭與沙度克的《精神醫學教科書》與對《精神疾病的診斷與統計手冊》(DSM)的過度評價 頁263
●Kay, Jerrald, defense of biopsychosocial model of, [301-5] 凱伊,對生物心理社會模式的抗辯 頁414-19
●Kendell, R, E., [107, 188] 肯德爾 頁178, 280
●Kendler, Kenneth 肯德勒
  and insight, [231-32] -與洞識(力) 頁332
  and nosoloy, [162-67] -與疾病分類學 頁248-54
  and scientific method, [52] -與科學方法 頁110
●Kernberg, Otto, [266] 康伯格 頁373
●Kety, Seymour, and pluralistic parable, xvii-xix 凱帝,與多元論的寓言 頁31-34
●Kindling model of mental illness, [202] 精神疾病的引燃模式 頁297
●Kleinman, Arthur, [146, 216] 凱博文 頁228, 313
●Klerman, Gerald, and contribution to DSM-III, [151-56]. See also Nosology 柯勒曼,與對DSM第三版的貢獻。也見 疾病分類學 頁235-41
●Kraepelin, Emil, [149-52, 186-91] 克雷普林 頁231-35, 278-84
  anti-Kraepelinians and, [187-95] 反克雷普林學派與- 頁280-89
  and Binswanger's patient, [277-78] -與賓斯旺格的病人 頁386-88
  and dementia praecox/manic-depressive illness model, [149,186-91] -與早發性痴呆卅躁鬱症的模式 頁231, 278-84
and "great professor principle" [162] -與「大教授原則」 頁248
  and melancholia, [210] -與陰鬱症 頁306
  Michels on [158-59] 密歇爾論- 頁241-44
  neo-Kraepelinians and, [151-52, 168-69] 新克雷普林學派與- 頁234-35, 256-57
  schizoaffective disorder and nosology of, [191, 193-95]. See also Meyer, Adolf 情感性精神分裂疾患與疾病分類學。也見 梅耶 頁284, 286-89
●Kramer, Peter, [240, 245, 248] 克拉瑪 頁342, 348, 352
●Kuhn, Thomas, [44]. See also Scientific method 庫恩。也見 科學方法 頁99

●Laing, R. D., [206, 270, 277] 萊恩 頁301, 377, 386
 Learned helplessness model of depression, [212, 216]. See also Depression 憂鬱症的學得無助模式。也見 憂鬱 頁308, 314
●Lee, Robert E., [104, 110-11] 李 頁175, 183
●Leonhard, Karl, [189] 李昂哈 頁282
●Lewis, Aubrey 歐伯瑞•路易斯
  insight, definition of, [231] 其對洞識(力)的定義 頁331
  mental illness, definition of, [135-138] 其對精神疾病的定義 頁213-18
  and philosophy, relevance for psychiatry, [1] -與哲學對精神醫學的相關性 頁47
●Lincoln, Abraham, and depression, [210] 亞伯拉罕•林肯,與憂鬱症 頁306
●Lowell, Robert, [220] 羅威爾 頁318
●Lucretius, [119] 盧克萊修 頁193
●Luhrmann, Tanya, [302] 盧爾曼 頁415

●Maclntyre, Alasdair, [113] 麥金塔 頁186
●Mania 躁症
  concept of, [219-25] 其概念 頁317-24
  impulsivity and, [223] 衝動性與- 頁322
  and therapeutic alliance as mood stabilizer, [224-25]. See also Bipolar disorder -與作為情緒穩定劑的治療聯盟關係。也見 雙極性疾患 頁322-24
●Marcuse, Herbert, [249] 馬庫塞 頁353
●Martin, Michael, view of depression of, [209-10, 214-15, 248-50]. See also Depression; Insight. 馬丁 對憂鬱症的觀點。也見 憂鬱症;洞識(力) 頁305-06, 312-13, 351-54
●Marx, Karl, [54, 113, 156, 172] 馬克思 頁112, 186, 240, 261
●Marxists, views of, [105, 155] 馬克思主義著的觀點 頁176, 239
●Materialism 唯物主義
  eliminative, [26, 29-31] 消除性-頁78, 81-83
  non-reductive, [292] 非化約性- 頁402
  reductive, [291-92] 化約性- 頁402-03
●Maudsley, Henry, [270, 299] 莫滋里頁377, 411
●McClellan, George, generalship of, [210-11] 馬克里蘭的領導能力 頁307
●McHugh, Paul 馬克修
  and General Psychopathology, [57-59] -與《精神病理學綜論》 頁116-18
  and life story perspective, [142] -與生命故事的觀點 頁224
  pluralistic model of, [14-16]. See also Biopsychosocial model; Pluralism -的多元論模式。也見 生物心理社會模式;多元論 頁63-65
●Meaning. See Understanding, meaningful 意義。見 理解,有意義的
●Medawar, Peter, [176] 米達渥 頁266
●Menninger, Karl, [150, 152] 梅寧格 頁233, 235
●Mental health. See Health 精神健康。見 健康
●Meyer, Adolf 梅耶
  and John Dewey, [5] -與杜威 頁52
  opposition to Kraepelin, [149-50, 152, 155-56, 175, 195] -對克雷普林的反對 頁231-32, 235, 239-40, 265, 289
  psychobiology of, [5-6]. See also Biopsychosocial model; Eclecticism  其心理生物學。也見 生物心理社會模式;折衷主義 頁52-54
●Michels, Robert, criticism of DSM-III, [152, 156-61] 密歇爾 對DSM第三版的批評 頁236, 241-48
●Mill, John Stuart, and depression, [210] 密爾,與憂鬱症 頁306
●Mind-brain problem 心腦問題
  and eclecticism, [303-5] -與折衷主義 頁416-19
  existential approach to, in psychiatry, [273, 276-77] 精神醫學裡的存在主義取徑 頁380-81, 384-86
  and Integrationism, [291-92, 296-98]. See also Philosophy: of mind -與整合論。也見 哲學:論心智 頁401-02, 407-10
●Multiple personality disorder, [197] 多重人格疾患 頁291

●Nagel, Thomas, [130-31] 納杰爾 頁207
●Neo-Kraeplinians. See Kraepelin, Emil 新克雷普林學派。見 克雷普林
●Nosology 疾病分類學
  absence of pathological “gold standard” and, [192] 缺少病理學的「黃金標準」與- 頁285
  biomedical model of disease and, [241-42] 疾病的生物醫學模式與- 頁343-44
  criticism of DSM-III, [151-55, 185] 對DSM第三版的批評 頁234-40, 277-78
  diagnostic validators of psychiatric, [164-65, 192-94] 對精神醫學的診斷性效標 頁251-53, 286-88
  dimensional vs. categorical, [185-96] 向度 vs. 類型 頁277-91
  DSM systems and, [175-76] DSM系統與- 頁265-66
  DSM-III, reification of, [171-74] DSM第三版的實質化 頁260-63
  DSM-III, similarity of to Jasper’s proposed psychiatric nosology, [70-72] DSM第三版和雅斯培所提議精神疾病分類學的相似性 頁134-36
  and essentialist mistake of the “natural kinds” concept, [97-101] -與本質論者有關「自然類」概念的誤認 頁166-72
  and “folk psychology”, [171] -與「常民心理學」 頁260
  genetic, [170-71] 遺傳學的- 頁259
  ideal types and, [175-84, 187, 195] 理型與- 頁265-76, 279, 289
  minimalist neo-Kraepelinian, [168-69] 簡約主義的新克雷普林學派 頁256-57
  and “nosologomania” , [168] -與「分類大頭病」 頁256
  of personality disorders, [196-98] 人格疾患的- 頁289-93
  pluralistic approach to, [154-55, 174] -之多元論取徑 頁239-41, 363
  reliability/validity problem and, [154, 165-66, 177] 信度卅效度問題與- 頁238, 252-53, 268
  values and, [145-46, 163-64]. See also General Psychopathology; Health; Illness; Jaspers, Karl; Kraepelin, Emil 價值與-。也見 《精神病理學綜論》;健康;生病;雅斯培;克雷普林 頁227-28, 250-51
●Nussbaum, Martha, [118] 努斯邦 頁191

●Ontology of psychiatry, [24-32]. See also Philosophy: of mind 精神醫學的本體論。也見 哲學:論心智 頁75-84
●Osler, William, [78, 255] 奧斯勒 頁143, 360
●Othello syndrome, [205-6]. See also Delusion Psychosis 奧賽羅症候群。也見 妄想精神病 頁300-01


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