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The Concepts of Psychiatry: A Pluralistic Approach to the Mind and Mental Illness
作者:納瑟•根米(S. Nassir Ghaemi)
書系:Master 038
定價:600 元
頁數:472 頁
出版日期:2011 年 05 月 13 日
特別推薦:陳登義、李世易、劉時寧、范家彰 聯合修訂,胡海國、陳正宗、張凱理、楊添圍 共同推薦
索引勘誤 (P~Z)

●Peirce, Charles S., [45-49, 86, 191, 208]普爾斯 頁100-08, 153, 284, 304
  and definition of experiment, [90] -與實驗的定義 頁158
  and "The Fixation of Belief", [46-48] -與「信仰的固著」 頁102-05
  and Popper, [50-52, 85-87, 155, 166-167, 191, 208]. See also Scientific method -與波普。也見 科學方法 頁108-10, 151-53, 239, 253-54, 284, 304
●Pellegrino, Edmund 培里葛琳諾
  definition of health and mental illness of, [140-42] -對健康及精神病的定義 頁220-23
  and role of values in clinical decision-making, [244] -與臨床決策中價值觀佔的角色 頁346-47
●Penfield, Wilder, [30] 潘非德 頁82
●Perris, Carlo, [189] 裴理斯 頁282
●Personality, dimensional view of, [199-202] 人格的向度觀 頁293-97
●Personality disorders, [195-200] 人格疾患 頁289-94
●Pharmaceutical industry, and psychiatry, [261-63] 藥廠產業,與精神醫學 頁366-69
●Philosophy 哲學
  of mind, [24-32] 論心智 頁75-84
  vs. "philosophizing", [33-34] -與「哲學化」 頁85-86
  relevance to psychiatry of xix-xxi, [1, 74, 309-310] See also ●Mind-brain problem -和精神醫學的相關性。也見 心-腦問題 頁33-37, 47, 424-26
●Pinel, Philippe, [148-49, 251] 皮內爾頁230-31, 355
●Placebo, definition of, [253, 256-57]. See also Clinical trials 寬心劑的定義。也見 臨床試驗 頁357, 361-62
●Pluralism, [299-310] 多元論 頁411-12
  basic viewpoint of, [15, 308] -的基本觀點 頁64, 422
  defined by Havens, [12,305] 由海文斯所定義的- 頁60, 418
  defined by Jaspers, [40, 59, 78-79, 305] 由雅斯培所定義的- 頁93, 119, 143-44, 419
  defined by McHugh and Slavney, [14-16, 305] 由馬克修及史來尼所定義的- 頁63-64, 418
  described by Kendler, [162-63, 166] 由肯德勒所描述的- 頁248-50, 253-54
  vs. eclecticism, [15, 82, 161, 283, 287, 299-300, 305] -與折衷主義相對照 頁65, 147-48, 247, 393, 397, 411-12, 422
  and integrationism, [298] -與整合論 頁409-10
  in practice, [301-7]. See also Eclecticism; Havens, Leston; Jaspers, Karl; Kety, Seymour; McHugh, Paul 實務中的-。也見 折衷主義;海文斯;雅斯培凱帝;馬克修 頁413-22
●Pope, Harrison, G., Jr, [300-301] 哈里遜•帕普 頁412-13
●Popper, Karl 波普
  assumptions in psychiatry related to, [194-95, 230-31]  -和相關的精神醫學中的假設 頁288, 329-31
  critique of Freud and Marx by, [85, 94] -對弗洛伊德及馬克思的批評 頁152, 163
  and deductive approach to scientific method, [49-51, 85-86] -與對科學方法的歸納法 頁101-08, 151-53
  and Einstein, influenced by, [85] -與受愛因斯坦的影響 頁151-52
  and Hume, [85] -與休謨 頁151
  and Peirce. [50-52, 85-87, 155, 166-67, 191, 208]. See also Scientific method -與普爾斯。也見 科學方法 頁108-10, 153, 239, 254, 284, 304
●Post-traumatic stress disorder, [197] 創傷後壓力疾患 頁291
●Pragmatism, relevance to psychiatry, [102-3] See also James, William; Peirce, Charles S. 實用主義,和精神醫學的相關性。也見 詹姆斯;普爾斯 頁172-74
●Prozac. See Psychopharmacology 百憂解。見 精神藥物學
●Psychoanalysis. See Freud, Sigmund 精神分析。見 弗洛伊德
●Psychologists, relationship to psychiatrists, in pluralistic model, [305-7] 心理學家,在多元論模式裡和精神科醫師的關係 頁419-22
●Psychopharmacology, [240-50] 精神藥物學 頁342-54
  and enhancement of functioning, [244-50] -與強化功能 頁347-54
  vs. psychotherapy, [3-4, 283-84, 286-87] -對心理治療 頁49-51, 393-94, 396-98
  and treatment of illness, [241-44] -與疾病的治療 頁343-47
●Psychosis, [187, 204-8] 精神病
  nosology of, [170]. See also Delusion -的疾病分類學。也見 妄想 頁278, 299-304; 255
●Psychotherapies 心理治療
  exaggerated use of, [302-3] 對-的浮誇使用 頁414-16
  for mild anxiety/affective symptoms, [284-85] 針對輕度的焦慮卅情感症狀的- 頁395
  for moderate depression, [285] 針對中度憂鬱症的- 頁395
  vs. psychopharmacology, [3-4] -對精神藥物學 頁49-50
  for severe psychiatric illness, [285-87] 對嚴重的精神疾病的- 頁396-97
  teaching of, [283-92] -的教學 頁393-402
  values and, [106-31]. See also Freud Sigmund 價值觀與-。也見 弗洛伊德 頁177-208

Q - R
●Qualia, problem of, [25-26]. See also Philosophy: of mind 質量的問題。也見 哲學:論心智 頁76-78
●Quine, W. V. O., [83] 奎因 頁149
●Ramachandran, V. S., [233] 拉馬羌轉 頁333
●Randomization, definition of, [253]. See also Empirical psychiatry 隨機,其定義。也見 經驗實證精神醫學 頁357
●Reductionism, biological, [291-92, 305] 化約論,生物學的 頁401-02, 419
●Robins, Eli, [164, 192-93] 羅賓斯 頁251, 286-87
●Rumi, Jalaluddin(Balkhi), [122-24] 魯米 頁196-98
  and the parable of the elephant, [122-23] -與大象的寓言 頁197-98
●Rush, Benjamin, [149] 拉許 頁231
●Russell, Bertrand, [127] 羅素 頁203

●Sadra, Mulla, [130-31]. See also Islamic philosophy 沙德拉。也見 伊斯蘭哲學 頁207-08
●Sartre, Jean-Paul, [270] 沙特 頁377
●Schizoaffective disorder, [187, 191, 193-95]. See also Nosology 情感性精神分裂疾患。也見 疾病分類學
●Schizophrenia. See Nosology 精神分裂症。見 疾病分類學
●Schwartz, Michael, [l, 91-92] 史華茲 頁158-59
●Schweitzer, Albert, [106] 史懷哲 頁177
●Scientific method, [41-53] 科學方法 頁95-111
  and Claude Bernard, [88-90] -與伯納德 頁156-57
  and Charles Darwin [51-52, 101-2] -與達爾文 頁109-10, 172-73
  and deductive method, [49-51] -與演繹法 頁107-09
  and David Hume, [45-46] -與休謨 頁101-02
  and inductive method, [45-49, 86] -與歸納法 頁101-07, 151
  and William James, [41-43] -與詹姆斯 頁95-99
  and Karl Jaspers, [86-88, 93] -與雅斯培 頁152-55, 161
  and Kenneth Kendler, [52] -與肯德勒 頁110
  and Thomas Kuhn, [44-45] -與庫恩 頁99-100
  and natural vs. human sciences, [79-81] -與自然對人文科學 頁145-47
  and William Osler, [78] -與奧斯勒 頁143
  and Charles S. Peirce, [45-49, 86] -與普爾斯 頁106-08, 153
  and positivism, [41-44] -與邏輯實證論 頁96-99
  in psychiatry, [92-93, 182-83]. See also Darwin, Charles; Empirical psychiatry; Peirce, Charles; Popper, Karl; Statistics 精神醫學中的-。也見達爾文:經驗實證精神醫學;普爾斯;波普;統計學 頁160-62, 274-76
●Shafii, Mohammad, [124-25]. See also Islamic philosophy 謝非。也見 伊斯蘭哲學 頁199-200
●Shepherd, Michael, [57-58] 薛弗 頁116-17
●Sherman, Gen. William, bipolar disorder of, [210-11] 雪曼將軍,雙極性疾患 頁307
●Slavney, Phillip, and General Psychopathology, [57-59] 史來尼,與《精神病理學綜論》 頁115-18
  and life story perspective, [142] -與生命故事的觀點 頁224
  pluralistic model of, [14-16]. See also Biopsychosocial model; Pluralism -的多元論模式。也見 生物心理社會模式;多元論 頁63-65
●Smart, J. J. C., [128] 司馬特 頁204
●Social workers, relation to psychiatrists, in pluralist model, [305-7] 社會工作者 和精神科醫師的關聯,在多元論模式下 頁419-22
●Spitzer, Manfred, [176, 207] 史匹策 頁266, 303
●Spitzer, Robert, and defense of DSM III, [152, 159-60]  史必策,與其對DSM第三版的辯護 頁236, 245-47
●Statistics 統計學
  Bayesian, [258, 319n. 3] 貝氏- 頁363, 441n.3
  clinical trials and, [258-61] 臨床試驗與- 頁363-66
  effect size, concept of, and, [258] 有效樣本大小的概念與- 頁362-63
  and null hypothesis, [257] -與無效假設 頁361-62
  "post-hoc"analysis and, [258-59] 「事後歸因」的分析與- 頁364
  in psychiatry, role of, [251-63] -在精神醫學裡的角色 頁355-69
  and statistical significance, [257] -與統計學上的顯著意義 頁362
●Sufism, [121-25]. See also Islamic philosophy 蘇菲主義。也見 伊斯蘭哲學 頁194-201
●Suhrawardi, [127-28]. See also Islamic philosophy 蘇拉瓦底。也見 伊斯蘭哲學 頁203-04
●Sullivan, Harry S. 蘇利文
  and counterprojection [205, 286-87] -與反投射 頁300, 396-97
  and Interpersonal school of psychiatry, [13] -與精神醫學的人際學派 頁62
  and nosology of psychosis, [185] -與精神病的分類學 頁277
●Sulloway, Frank, [217] 蘇洛威 頁315
●Sydenham, Thomas, [191] 席登漢 頁284
●Szasz, Thomas, [151, 182, 206, 270, 276-77] 薩斯 頁234, 274, 301, 377, 384-86

T - V
●Therapeutic alliance, [224-25] 治療聯盟關係 頁322-24
●Thomasma, David 湯瑪斯瑪
  definition of health and mental illness of, [140-42] -對健康和疾病的定義 頁220-23
  and role of values in clinical decision-making, [244] -與價值在臨床決策中扮演的角色 頁346-47
●Transference. See Freud. Sigmund 移情。見 弗洛伊德
●Understanding, meaningful, and causal explanation, [79-81, 83-85, 178-79]. See also General Psychopathology; Jaspers, Karl; Weber, Max 理解,有意義的與因果解說的。也見 《精神病理學綜論》雅斯培;韋伯 頁144-46, 148-53, 269-70
●Unipolar depression. See Depression 單極性憂鬱症。見 憂鬱
●Utilitarianism. See Ethical theories 功利主義。見 倫理理論
●Vaillant, George 韋倫特
  and defense mechanisms, [230, 267] -與防衛機制 頁330, 373
  and DSM-III, [152, 161] -與DSM第三版 頁236, 248
  Van Praag, Herman, [148] 汎•普拉格 頁230
  and DSM-III, [157-59] -與DSM第三版 頁241-47
  and functional psychopathology, concept of, [169-70] -與功能性精神病理學的概念 頁257-58
  and nosology, [167-70] -與疾病分類學 頁254-59
●Verstehen. See Understanding meaningful 「理解」。見 理解,有意義的
●Virchow, Rudolph, [191] 維秋 頁284
●Virtue ethics. See Ethical theories 德行倫理。見 倫理理論

W - Z
●Weber, Max 韋伯
  and ideal type method, [178-82, 187, 195] -與理型方法 頁269-74, 279, 289
  and Jaspers, [81, 83-85, 90-92] -與雅斯培 頁146-47, 148-151, 158-61
●Wernicke, Carl, [68-69] 維尼克 頁130-31
●Wiggins, Osborne, [91-92] 威金斯 頁158-60
●Winnicott, Donald W., and the concept of illusion, [234-36] 溫尼可,及其對幻象的概念 頁335-38
●Wittgenstein, Ludwig, [128] 維根斯坦 頁203
●World Health Organization, definition of health, [135, 241] .See also Health 世界衛生組織,對健康的定義。也見健康 頁214, 344
●Yazdi, Mehdi Hairi. See Hairi Yazdi, Mehdi 亞斯迪。見 海利•亞斯迪
●Zachar, Peter, anti-essentialist critique of "natural kinds", [99-101]. See also Evolutionary theory and psychiatry; Nosology 沙恰對「自然類」的反本質主義的批評。也見 演化理論與精神醫學;疾病分類學 頁170-72


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