心靈工坊 2024春季書訊
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艾茲拉.貝達 Ezra Bayda

艾茲拉.貝達 Ezra Bayda

Ezra Bayda has been meditating since 1970. He received Dharma Transmission from Joko Beck in 1998, and now lives, writes and teaches at the Zen Center of San Diego. He also has a meditation group in Santa Rosa, CA. He is the author of BEING ZEN: Bringing Meditation to Life; Shambhala, 2002.

Ezra Bayda is a Zen teacher affiliated with the Ordinary Mind Zen School, having received formal dharma transmission in 1998 from the school's founding teacher, Charlotte Joko Beck. A student of meditation for more than thirty years, he lives, writes, and teaches at the San Diego Zen Center in San Diego, California.

艾茲拉.貝達是一位平常心禪學派的禪師,在一九九八年正式成為夏綠蒂.淨香.貝克(Charlotte Joko Beck)的法脈傳人。他修習禪定長達三十多年的時間,目前在加州聖地牙哥的禪修中心任教、寫作及生活。


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